Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Week 2 of 21 Day Fix: Day 8 and 9

Ok....let me just tell you I took my week 1 pictures and I can totally see results already!! I'm down 2lbs and I've lost 1 inch around my chest, 1 inch around my hips and 1/2 inch around my waist!! I can't believe the results in just 7 days. This program is no joke. No to mention I have been sore everyday since starting...I know my muscles are working and getting worked. :) As I said when I started I want to lose 15lbs before my birthday on August 13th and I just took 2lbs off in 1 week!! I can do this! I just need to stick to this plan and keep doing what I am doing! My goal for this week is 5lbs. It's a big goal but I know I can get there if I really stick to it! Here's my comparison pictures:
Yesterday (Day 8) was a CRAzY day!! Like I ended up spending the day in the ER for my youngest daughter. She split her head open and had to get staples. Um...my nerves were shot!! On the way home from the ER, I was really proud of myself because I passed by multiple fast food places..Chick-Fil-A being one of them and I love their peach milkshake! YUM!! Normally, I would try to eat the stress away with ice cream, soda and alcohol. ;) But I passed by those drive-thrus!! Victory!! I did indulge in one of my substitutions for a glass of wine.....and later that night when the day hit me I had a Reese's Peanutbutter Cup candy bar. I was mad that I let myself have it but in some ways I needed it. I know I am on this 21 Day Fix and I am sticking to the planned containers but life happens and the point is your going to have treats but they fact that you don't go all the way down the rabbit hole is what matters. The fact that you get back up and back on track is what matters because 1 candy bar didn't make me overweight and 1 candy bar isn't going to make me lose sight on my goals!!

Today, I woke up ready. I was still emotionally stressed out from the day before and not getting great sleep because I had to watch Hadley but I was ready to conquer my workout and be on track with my food. And I did just that!! I felt great during Lower Fix and I got in all my containers!! So proud of myself! Dinner tonight was Chicken Skewers with peppers over rice. I seasoned the chicken with Mrs. Dash Southwest seasoning.
Another pretty exciting thing that happened today is that Autumn Calabrese the creator of 21 Day Fix came out with a cookbook called Fixate!! I got my order in and I am so excited to get it! I also got a book for my group...it's going to be a prize for the most changed challenger. I can't wait to see all of our ending results. They have been shredding the inches and sweating off the pounds and I am so proud of them!! If you'd like a copy you can get it here. Also, I am going to start another group at the beginning of August.....to get in on it head over to my FB and send me a message! If you order a challenge pack through me by Friday July 17th, you will be entered into a drawing to win a free copy of Fixate! Can't wait to see you there!!

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