Monday, July 6, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 1 :)

Whoa!! Day 1 was GREAT!!! I woke up ready. I finally got my box with all my containers, dvds, and book.....I was like a kid on Christmas!! I ripped it open and checked it all out! Super excited that I finally have the fancy Shakeology cup! :)

Yummy Chocolate Shakeology!


 Once I read through the book and opened up the containers, my girlfriend, Elizabeth came by and we got ready to get Total Body Cardio Fix done. Elizabeth is going to do the Fix with me! So excited to have her along with me. :) We definitely had so many reasons this morning not to get it done...the videos didn't get here until this morning, my 3 kids were running around like crazy (I was able to get one to workout with us), her 4 month old didn't want to lay on the mat, and my AC decided it wanted to re-set itself to 85 degrees!! What!? But we still pushed play and got it done.

We didn't have weights but it was still a crazy workout! I definitely feel I need to go get my weights out of the garage. They're only 5lbs, it'll make it a much better workout but with that being said I still sweat and my legs were burning! I'm pumped to see what tomorrow's workout will be!
The other and I think most important part of this program is the food. I'm having fun with this part. I know that this is where I need the most work so I am really concentrating on it. Today, from my meal plan was my normal breakfast; scrambled eggs with spinach. What I realized is that my portions are way off! Even though I am eating healthy options, I am still over-eating. I made 2 egg whites, 1 egg, (1 red container) and 1 green (1 cup) of spinach (picture is below). That breakfast keeps me pretty full for a while. My first snack was an apple cut up to fit into 1 purple (1 cup). While eating my snack I started to prepare my other snack for the week. I made a cucumber, tomato, and onion salad. Super easy!! I just cut up 1 large tomato, a cucumber and about 1/4 of a red onion and mixed them together. It'll be enough for my afternoon snack all week! (picture is below) After that I got the kids ready to head to the pool and meet my aunt and family friends.

Scrambles Eggs with Spinach

Cucumber, Tomato Salad

On our way to the pool I drank my lunch. Shakeology is seriously a lifesaver!! It's super easy. It's super yummy. It keeps me full and curbs my cravings. And it holds all the SUPERFOODS you'd ever need in one desert-like shake!! You can get it here if you want to try it out!

We had a blast at the pool swimming around and of course swimming makes everyone hungry. I had packed the kids apples and pretzels for snacks and in my super awesome containers I packed my cucumber, tomato salad in the green container and 1/2 filled the orange (1T) with the 21 Day Fix balsamic vinaigrette. Having that snack by the pool was perfect!! Super light and yummy.


After a great day at the pool, we came home and got ready for dinner. I was really excited about this dinner. I found this dinner on lots of different places and couldn't wait to try it out myself! I love Chinese food but of course it's not that great for you and this version was so yummy and it was a ton of food! So much that I had to check my measurements twice. This Fix version will definitely curb that Chinese craving and fill you up! Here's the recipe for it:

* 2 Red containers (2 cups) of baked chicken breasts cut in cubes
* 2 eggs (Red)
* 2 Yellow containers of cooked brown rice
* 2 Green containers of mixed veggies ( I used carrots, green beans, corn, peas) ++edit I just was told that corn and peas are a it most likely added up to 0.5 can chose a mixed frozen bag with broccoli and carrots which would work great too and just be a green.++
* 1 Orange of Liquid Aminos (you can find it in the grocery store organic isle)

--Scramble the 2 eggs in a large skillet, add the veggies, rice and chicken to the skillet and heat until heated through (shouldn't be that long since everything is already cooked). Once heated through stir in the Liquid Aminos, mix it through all and let the entire meal heat for a few more minutes.

--Ready to serve. Split into 2 and ENJOY!!

-- 1.5 Red, 1.5 Yellow, 1 Green, and 1/2 Orange per serving

Here are some pictures of it!! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!

21 Day Fix Chicken Fried Rice
So, all and all Day 1 was a great day!! I got in all my water, my workout, had a blast at the pool with the kids and had a great food day!! I'm ready for tomorrow and I'm really excited to see where is process takes me. Catch up with you guys tomorrow!! Day 2 here we come!!



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