Sunday, July 12, 2015

21 Day Fix Week 1 in Review

So, I thought that I would combine my weekend (days 5,6, & 7) into one post. One reason being I wanted my nights with my hubby and another being I don't cook on the weekends. Everyone with "normal" day jobs get the weekends off and me being a work-at-home mom and dinner being part of what I get ready for my family, I take the weekends off.

The last 3 days went well. On Friday, I had Elizabeth and I do the wrong video. I thought that Cardio Fix and Total Body Cardio was the same thing. So we did Total Body Cardio on Friday. That's a killer video. And unlike the first time when we did it on Monday, this time we used weights, which really made you work! After our workout, I took the kids to the pool then we met my aunt and cousins at the movies. I told myself not to buy popcorn, not even for the kids, because I knew I would eat it! I made my Shakeology before I left to keep me full and more able to resist the temptations of the treats. I did really well!! I am proud of that victory! For dinner Friday night I had leftovers from the Sweet Potato Bacon Burgers over a spinach salad. I needed to make up for missing my green containers throughout the day. It was really yummy. The burgers were just as good re-heated as they were when I first made them.
On Saturday, Elizabeth and I did a double workout in the yoga room at my apartment complex. On the schedule was Dirty 30, so we did that first. That is exactly what it's named for. It was sweaty and hard. Then just when you thought it was over she adds in a crazy bonus minute!! What!? We definitely burned it out with that workout. But we really wanted to get in Cardio Fix since we didn't do it on Friday. That is a great workout!! I loved it! It's kind of what I'm used to. Cardio no weights just sweat it out and get your heart rate up. This cardio girl LOVED IT!! I was so proud of us for pushing hard through both those workouts and our calorie burn proved we earned it!!
After the workout, I made myself a yummy shake. This time I mixed in cherries and some PB for it to taste like a chocolate covered cherry! YUM-O! While I enjoyed my shake I took the kids to enjoy FREE Slurpee Day at 7-Eleven...they loved it!! It was a great morning!

After all 4 of us enjoyed our drinks I wanted to try out this recipe for making Reese's Peanut-butter cups with Shakeology. And man did it work out!! Totally curbs that candy craving and not too bad for you either!! I used it as my treat substitution, you get 3 times a week with the 21 Day Fix (I had 2 of them). My kids loved them!! They were super good and today we even turned them into the filing for a Smore made in the microwave for the kids!! Here's the recipe for it:

*4 tablespoons of coconut oil (microwave for 30 seconds to make liquid)
*8 tablespoons of chocolate Shakeology
*4 tablespoons of natural peanut-butter
--Split the coconut oil and Shakeology into 2 portions. Pour into 4 small cupcake holders. Put into freezer for 5 minutes. Take out and spread PB over the harden chocolate. Then pour the second half of mixture over the top of each. Put into freezer for 30 minutes then ENJOY!!

For dinner we ordered from Panera. I got a Greek Chicken Salad. It was really good and packed full of veggies and chicken. They gave me 2 containers of dressing and normally I would of dumped them on but I held myself back and only used 3/4 of one. It was plenty of dressing and was less than an orange container. At first by the sight of the salad I thought it wasn't all that much and that I might be still hungry afterwards but I wasn't at all. It was filing plus I got the whole wheat bread on the side and ate half for my yellow. So the salad in all was 2 greens, 1 red, 1 orange, 1 blue, and 1 yellow for the bread.  After the kids went to bed Jeremy and I watched a movie and I enjoyed a glass of wine (a yellow substitution) and my yogurt (1 red) as a snack. It was a great day! I love the weekends with my hubby home and all of us just hanging out, even if its doing nothing much at all. 

Today, was Yoga Fix day and was it needed. I so needed that deep stretch and definitely need to continue yoga because I am not flexible or well balanced at all!! It felt so good and afterwards I was ready for the day.
Once I got back from doing yoga, I sat down to finally plan my week ahead and set my goals. This week is going to be a big week. My goals is to touch 4 more of my friends and families lives and get them started on their health and fitness journey. To grow my Ruel Tribe with at least one motivated mommy. To be a positive light all week, to smile and be happy with what I have and with what I am doing. Another goal is to stay on track with my meal plan and to trust that this program is bringing me to where I need to be with my fitness and health.

Jeremy and I planned out our meals and grocery list together. That way he will like everything that I plan to make and that he gets his treats in on the list. ;) Here's our plan for dinners and my plan for the week:
click here to get you planner
As this first week with 21 Day Fix comes to an end and I get ready for next week, I look back and think about why I was so nervous. New things, new challenges do cause nerves and fear but what I have learned is that jumping in and jumping over that fear is amazing. You feel great! You become proud of yourself. And you realize there might of been no reason for the fear in the first place. This week, I have already seen my body changing. I have definitely changed my mindset on food and proportions. And I have realized that I need to not punish my body with food but fuel it. The workouts are fun, hard, sweaty and quick. You burn your calories in a short amount of time which is perfect for just about everyone who knows they need to get a workout in but "doesn't have the time". This leaves you no excuse and by preparing your food ahead of time saves you money at those drive-thru windows throughout the week at work or when you're running the kids around.

21 Day Fix is the perfect program for anyone looking to get results and change their mindset on food. And for a little's on special this month along with 21 Day Fix Extreme. Contact me on FB or email me at for info.

I can't wait to take my measurements tomorrow and pictures and see my week 1 results!! I feel so great after this week. I'm feeling stronger and have felt my energy level change. I can't wait to see how the next 2 weeks go!! I hope ya'll continue to follow me and join in if you'd like!!


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