Tuesday, July 7, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 2

Wow!!! Am I sore!! I actually didn't think I would be so sore from yesterday's workout but man I am. Last night I woke up around 2am to use the facilities (TMI!! but means my hydration was on point I guess) and I could barely sit down! Yikes! But I love it!! It means it's working. I'm so excited about this program now. I mean I was excited before but also nervous about the workouts being enough for me.....well they are definitely working at this point! Today was Upper Fix. I used my 5lbs weights for everything in the workout. She suggest having a low weight and a heavy weight and switch them up depending on the move you are doing. I only have 1 set of weights at this point so I used just the one set the entire workout. I definitely felt it in my arms and the ab part of the workout was crazy but I really need to work on those so it felt great! Can't wait to see what tomorrow's workout will be!

As for my food today, I switched up my breakfast because I just wasn't feeling the eggs and spinach. I made oatmeal with apples (1 Yellow, 1 Purple). I used 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup of rolled oats and put it in the microwave for about 5minutes.....around 4 minutes I added in the apples diced up. It was yummy and definitely kept me full until lunch which was my Shakeology...so full I didn't have my mid-morning snack. For my snack I had the cucumber, tomato salad with vinaigrette and I cut up this huge watermelon we got. I LOVE watermelon and this one was super juicy and yummy! I over indulged a little bit and went 1 purple container over but man was it good!!
For dinner on Tuesday we always have TACO TUESDAY!! YUMMY!! And since I have been following the Beachbody programs and their nutrition guidelines we have been making the tacos this way. I make our own seasoning by mixing chili powder, ground cumin, onion powder, dried oregano, smoked paprika and sea salt. I add in different amounts to taste. We like it spicy so I add in more chili powder and cumin. And then once mixed we add that to our ground turkey when browned. Tonight, I cut up green, orange, and red peppers (1 Green) that we got at our Farmers Market. My blue container is filled with cheese and avocado. I used the purple container as another green since they are the same size. The containers had so much food!! All the food didn't even fit in the 2 corn tortillas I had so I ended up making a taco salad with the rest of the spinach, peppers, and turkey meat. Super filling and yummy dinner! Definitely give it a try! :)
2 Green, 1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Blue



So, far the 21 Day Fix is a pretty simple system. It's easy to follow and TONS of food!! The workouts are great and you really feel energized all day by following the 6 meals a day. I am really liking it and I'm not getting that 2pm slump which is really nice. Can't wait to see how it continues.
I hope you guys are all enjoying my take on the 21 Day Fix!! If you are don't forget to hit FOLLOW and you can also catch me on Facebook. :) Have a great night and I'll catch you tomorrow!

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