Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 4 of 21 Day Fix :)

Day 4......Pilates Fix....what can I say about Pilates? It felt great to stretch out my sore muscles and made me realize how much I need to work on my ab muscles and my flexibility. Definitely broke a sweat, laughed a bit with Elizabeth while my hips were popping out during one of the leg moves. I'm so old and the bones don't like me! lol!! It was too funny!! I'm loving having Elizabeth over everyday doing this with me. It's great going through this with friends. I also have a super AWESOME group going on with a bunch of fellow 21 Day Fixers going along the ride with us! The support is amazing! And like today when I really wanted to stop at the store, on the way home from sitting at a park with the kids in the 95 degree heat, to get some ice cream to eat during nap time, I remembered that group and how we are in this together and I didn't stop. I still really want some ice cream but I will conquer that craving with some yogurt and frozen berries once I am done with this post. Friends and support HELP you get past those moments and keep you on track!! I'm not saying you can't enjoy and have some treats but for me during this 21 Days I'm keeping strong. The reason it's set-up for 21 days is that it is said that it takes 21 days to break a habit.....well I am going to give myself those 21 days. And with my friends and support of you guys I will kick these 21 days butt!!
Today I wasn't super creative with my meals. I had my yummy chocolate Shakeology for both breakfast and lunch (I told you I was craving ice cream). It's so funny how ice cream has just been on my mind today. Ugh! Anyways, the Shakeology was 2 of my meals then I had assorted colored peppers with hummus for my snack. Dinner though was really yummy and super creative!! It was a Sweet Potato Bacon Burgers. I found the recipe on Pinterest. I'll put the link underneath the picture. My hubby loved them!! You can totally drizzle maple syrup over the burger if your not on the fix. :)

SO GOOD!! Sweet potato bacon burger.
This portion control has really been great! I normally would of eaten two of the burgers tonight but knowing my count for the day I didn't and I wasn't hungry not eating the second burger. I am learning a lot about the portions and learning to listen to my body when it's hungry. I'm so happy and I have already started seeing results. I've lost 2lbs and my stomach already seems tighter. I can't wait to weigh and measure myself again on Monday to see my week 1 results. I'm going for that 10-15lb range to be ready for my birthday in August. And I know this program is getting me there!!

Here's to Cardio Fix tomorrow!!


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