Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Final Update and Results of my 21 Day Fix Journey! :)

Well, I'm sorry that I got a little behind on my post!! I have to start out by saying the truth....I got a bit discouraged and didn't know what to post to you because I wasn't seeing the results last week that I wanted. I got down on myself. Now I still continued to follow the workouts everyday. We (a bunch of the girls in the group) added doubles that last week to really push ourselves. And I followed the plan for my containers but I got frustrated.

I began to think well if I'm not seeing the results they why continue? It's not working so I may as well eat those cookies....then I remembered that the third week in any habit changing event is the hardest....it's when the excitement wears off, the steam slows down and your mind starts playing games on you! Here's the wall I thought. Here it is. Will I push through it and not let my past of giving up continue? I knew last Monday that I was strong enough to knock this wall down...I was going to conquer this program and no matter the weight or inches I lost I was going to be PROUD of myself for doing it. I was going to proud of all the little steps. Getting up early to workout, planning my meals every night, learning some pretty yummy new recipes, for going through a minute plank without feeling like I was dying....those are the things I was going to be proud of. Because those things, those steps will get me to where I want to go if I continue to do them consistently everyday.

I did just that and I stand here today on Day 2 of starting the 21 Day Fix for the second time PROUD and HAPPY with myself!! I sat there last week and decided I will do this....I believed in myself and I told myself, we will do this!! I saw this posted by Autumn Calabrese and thought perfect. Everyday you have two choices....to get up and get it done or to continue to wish for them.

 I decided that my choice everyday was going to be wake up and chase my goals. Elizabeth and I added the 10 minute ab workout to our routine and 3 of the days I went for a 3 mile run. I was bound and determined to get these results I so longed for. We all rocked our workouts and I pushed myself to the MAX!! It felt great!
Along with the workouts and sweating away my fat (at least my fingers were crossed that was happening) I planned some new recipes to try out. I have never been much of a cooker though I have cooked almost every night since we had kids and as each kid came and the budget got tighter the cooking at home became more of our routine. Even with that I did super simple box things or frozen stuff which of course isn't healthy at all. This process has made me excited to try new recipes and I really liking it. And with starting 21 Day Fix I have added a lot more recipes to my calendar. It's been fun.
My family loves breakfast for dinner!! But on the Fix or really any healthy eating regime it's not on the menu (I mean 80/20 right? but for these 21 days it wasn't happening). I have been trying to find a good banana pancake recipe for a while now. I've tried a few from Pinterest and none of them come out great. I finally decided to take a little from each of the recipes I found and test it out and it WORKED!!! I was so excited!! I'm the type of person that my mind has to be tricked. It needs to somewhat resemble the actual item for me to really fall in love with it and these did. Plus, you know those IHOP commercials for their specialty pancakes....oooh those banana foster ones sound so delicious!!! Well, these super healthy and yummy banana pancakes tasted like it (or at least I told myself it was them). So good! So you're probably thinking, what's the recipe woman? Spit it out!! Ok, Ok, here it is!!
2 eggs, 1 banana, 1/2c oats, 1/4c apple sauce, 1tsp vanilla, 1/2tsp cinnamon
blend and pour
1/4 yellow, 1/2 red, 1 purple
Another meal my family loves is pizza!! We used to eat it at least once a week!! WHAT?!?! No wonder I gained weight! Yuck! But boy is pizza good and boy was I wanting some and so was everyone else. Again I went back to Pinterest and searched. There is a bunch of recipes but part of my love for pizza is the crust. So I wanted to find one that was fixed approved but had a good crust to it. And I ended up finding this great recipe for Buffalo Chicken pizza (the link is posted below). My kids also used the same crust as us and made their own. They had so much fun! Both pizzas came out super yummy and totally curbed the pizza craving  and added a little fun to it!
Buffalo Chicken Pizza Recipe
Another pretty HUGE things happened last week!! We went and designed our new house!! It was so cool! Yes a lot of exclamation points because this is something that Jeremy and I have dreamed of doing. Something that we also thought would be years down the road when we lived in PA but its happening. Its so exciting and it was such a surreal moment. We picked out our house color and I got my blue door!! YAY!! Then picked out our cabinets, flooring, counter tops and all the fixings. So, of course when that was done we had to go out to celebrate!! We ended up at Chili's and I knew I would get a margarita (it was a celebration right!?), so I made sure I stayed on track with my food. I ordered a Southwest Chicken Bowl the lunch portion. It came with a small spinach salad. The bowl had southwest seasoned grilled chicken, tortilla strips, beans, tons of greens, corn and tomatoes. It was really yummy and I was proud of myself for the choice.
Then the weekend cam around and I had a big Beachbody event on Sunday. It was SUPER SWEATY and FUN!! I didn't do the yoga from 21 Day Fix because we were working out there. We did Turbo Fire, Insanity, PiYo and Cize!! All I can say is that energy in that room was unbelievable!! Turbo Fire was confusing at first (I'm so not coordinated) but once I got going it was so much fun!! I am an Insanity junkie and doing it LIVE with others was a blast and super hard. PiYo totally burned what I had left in the legs and made me laugh the whole time because I am not flexible at all. Then came Cize and the room became energetic all over again. I totally forgot how much fun dancing and letting loose was. Not to mention the amount of sweat that poured down my face was pretty gross but AWESOME!!!
 Ok, now we've made it to the end of the first round of 21 Day Fix and I'm sure you're wondering what my results are. And here they are:

I have just loved this program! I know before I was saying that I was getting disappointed but that's just my mind playing games on me. I was never hungry, tired or overwhelmed by the planning. And I feel so much stronger and can see toning in my arms and stomach. I know this next round going into my birthday will get me some more results and continue my journey to my goal weight.
I also want to give some shout outs to my AMAZING group!!!! They pushed play everyday and saw the results because of their dedication to the process. This has been such a FUN group and I've loved every minute of it! First, my rockstar sister killed it!! She not only started a new job and had military training during it all, she has an 18 month old that's on the go. She lost 4 inches and 4lbs but that's not it....she has after baby abs!! The thing we all long for. ;) Way to go Jenn!!
And she's not the only one seeing these type of results! What!?! Erin, she did 21 Day Fix Extreme along with my sister and lost 5lbs and 7 1/2 inches. AMAZING!! She also went on a roadtrip with 4 kids and her hubby and was able to enjoy and stay on track. And she's back in the game for another round! Then there's Nicole who's is a mommy to 2 kids under 2 years old......for her those are her reasons why and she makes no excuses and gets it done! She lost a CRAZY 13 1/4 inches and almost 6lbs!! Just CRAZY!! This is in 21 day people! 21 Days!!

My workout buddy and BFF (if people in their mid 30s say that), Elizabeth, lost 4lbs and 5 inches. All the while breastfeeding her 5 month old baby. It just shows that no matter what situation you're in it can be done. Another example of this is my Mother. She did 21 Day Fix Extreme with my sister....rockstar right there! She's the reason Jenn and I are so determined and FIERCE!! She has lost inches and is fitting into her pre-baby 30 years ago shirts and pants (which oddly are kind of coming back into style). Her last check up at the doctors showed that her blood pressure has gone down slightly but any bit is great!

And last but certainly not the least, is Joanna who is rocking her results with Focus T25!! She also has a 1 year old son and has lost over 5lbs and still going!! I can't wait to see her result photos!! I could go on and on about the results from the girls in the group because there are more awesome Mommies in the group kicking butt!

All of this can happen to you! These are everyday moms kicking some butt!! I am all teared up with pride. My friends here decided that they wanted to get healthy and feel good about their body. They are all shapes and sizes and all decided that they were worth it!

I want to say there is no secret sauce to this but honestly I think there is and that secret sauce is support! We all need support and encouragement. Whether its for your fitness journey, your work, in motherhood or just in overall life....we seek it, we thrive off it and that's exactly what these AMAZING ladies did this month. If you are seeking support I am here. I am starting another one of these groups on August 10th and I want you a part of it!! I am planning at this point to CIZE my butt off but if 21 Day Fix is what you'd like contact me this week before the SPECIAL ends.
TODAY IS THE DAY to create your destiny!! Get out there and do it!



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