Friday, July 17, 2015

Day 10, 11 and 12 of 21 Day Fix!! Still in it to Win it!! 😊

Hi everyone!! Sorry for missing the past couple days. I thought I would combine the days so you guys have more content when reading. These past couple days have been great!! After a stressful start to the week I decided to stay low key the second half of the week.

On Day 10, Wednesday, we did Upper Fix. I'm really loving this workout!! My arms have always been the weakest part of my body and I am seeing definition in my arms that I have never seen in my life!! So excited!! Plus I used the 8lbs weights this week the whole workout!! So pumped to have uped my weights. For dinner we had Tacos. I love Tacos!! It's one of my favorite meals. Of course it's usually on Taco Tuesday's but with the craziness of the hospital and everything out nights got switched up. For the taco recipe click here. I also went on Beachbody On Demand and with Mackenzie we tested out the new dance workout CIZE coming out on Monday, July 20th. It was so much fun!! We had a blast!!
Day 11 was LEG DAY!!! Elizabeth and I got up early and went down to my apartments yoga room. It was great because I was able to use the heavier weights that they have down there. I used 10lbs weights on most and 8lbs weights as my light weights in the Lower Fix workout. As leg day always was killer!! And later that day I was super sore! It was also a pretty cool day because Summit in Nashville is happening. Summit is the big Beachbody event for coaches! It's super exciting because you get to exercise with all the trainers and it's also where they recognize your hardwork and announce everything that's coming out in the up coming year. WHICH IS A TON OF STUFF!! Like this next week will be amazing with the amount of things coming out (contact me if you want to know more details). I made a super easy crockpot Buffalo Chicken for dinner. I LOVE crockpot meals because you just put it in and go. I need to do more of them!

Buffalo Chicken

*1lb of Chicken Breast
*3/4cup of plain greek yogurt
*1/4cup of Franks hot sauce
*minced garlic
*garlic powder
*chopped up onion
--Put all ingredients together in the crockpot and cook for 3hrs.
--I steamed cauliflower and had whole wheat thins with it.

After dinner I watched the LIVE stream of the Opening Ceremonies at Summit. It was super empowering and totally helped me visualize my goals. I want to be on that stage next year and walk across it being recognized for my work and my teams awesome work helping others. The theme this year is Every ONE Matters. And it's so true. They told this awesome, cute story about a boy on the beach throwing back the starfish that got stranded on the beach when the tide left. There were hundreds if not thousands of them. A man came up to the boy and said boy what are you doing? And he said if I don't throw them back in they will die out here. The man then says to the boy but it doesn't really matter because you can't possibly do them all. The boy then reaches down and picks up a starfish and throws it into the ocean saving it's life and says to the man but mattered to that one. This story is our mission and I love it!! I love it because I started as that starfish and someone saw me and believed that I mattered and that I deserved the time and encouragement. And I'm here to give that sense of worth to someone else. :)
CEO Carl Daikeler and Shaun T CIZE-ing

Today, Day 12, I got up again and headed down to the yoga room and did Cardio Fix. This I think is my favorite workout. I love the sweat you get from it. I love the burn I feel. I am beat at the end of it and it feels great!! After my workout, Hadley and I shared some Shakeology. She loves it as much as I do!! And today I had my buffalo chicken leftovers....still yummy the second time around. And now we are sitting here having a family night watching a movie. I love the weekends because we are all home together! It's hard with the food but I've got my eye on the prize at the end! Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Sunday!


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