Wednesday, July 8, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 3: LEG DAY!!!

Man this workout gets better and better each day! And my muscles are feeling it!!

Today was LEG DAY! As if my legs needed to be worked anymore...they are still sore from Monday! It's GREAT! My legs were jello afterwards. Lower Fix also works your abs which need some work. I'm really loving how the workout is set-up with doing 2-3 different exercises then repeating once then moving onto another set of exercises. Tomorrow is Pilates Fix....a little nervous about what that is. ;) But I'm sure it'll work these sore muscles even more!

The nutrition today was on point and I got in every container except 1/2 of an orange. I did feel a bit tired today and felt myself wanting to snack more but not because I was hungry, it was the tired talking. So, I decided to stay home with the kids and just relax. We've been going and going everyday (which I kind of have to in order to stay sane with 3 kids at home for the summer) so today I needed a break. A break didn't really happen because the kids were going nuts but we ended up calling it a movie afternoon and that helped. Anyways, I am rambling food was good and again it kept me full and it was a lot! We really need to change our mindset on how we have to eat and this program is definitely doing it for me. You need to eat to FUEL your body and continue to FUEL it throughout the day.

Today, I went back to my normal breakfast of eggs and spinach, had my shakeology for lunch with a 1/2 a banana and cherries (1 purple), and my snacks were watermelon for 2 snacks and my cucumber, tomato salad. Dinner was super yummy!! I baked chicken with a little garlic seasoning and steamed some broccoli then chopped up the chicken and used the broccoli like a bed of lettuce under the chicken and sprinkled cheese over the top and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. YUM-O!! And it was 1 red, 1 blue, and I used 2 greens (needed to get greens in for the day).

After dinner tonight I was able to get on a Live broadcast from Team Beachbody Headquarters with Bo Eason because I earned it helping others achieve their fitness goals. He was a NFL player for 20ish years and is a play-write and actor. It was great to sit and listen to. He was very inspirational and straightforward. I came away from that call with a new sense of how I...I we all need to carry ourselves through our daily lives. He gave a lot of great analogies and examples of how we should be. The one thing that just sticks out in my head is "we all were born to be GREAT!!" and that we should never have to apologize for being ourselves. This sticks out because I feel like we have become a society that apologizes a lot and one that tries to make everyone fit into these molds. As much as we say we don't we are increasing and increasing the pressure for everyone to be the same and live the same. "Don't ever apologize for being YOU!" he said. That's how we should live. Confident in ourselves, in our uniqueness and live our lives with our full spirit and give it our all!
It was a great way to end the day and I think it will be a great way to end this post. Live your life to the fullest everyday. Get up, be happy, don't apologize, be you and give it your all!!


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