Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Final Update and Results of my 21 Day Fix Journey! :)

Well, I'm sorry that I got a little behind on my post!! I have to start out by saying the truth....I got a bit discouraged and didn't know what to post to you because I wasn't seeing the results last week that I wanted. I got down on myself. Now I still continued to follow the workouts everyday. We (a bunch of the girls in the group) added doubles that last week to really push ourselves. And I followed the plan for my containers but I got frustrated.

I began to think well if I'm not seeing the results they why continue? It's not working so I may as well eat those cookies....then I remembered that the third week in any habit changing event is the hardest....it's when the excitement wears off, the steam slows down and your mind starts playing games on you! Here's the wall I thought. Here it is. Will I push through it and not let my past of giving up continue? I knew last Monday that I was strong enough to knock this wall down...I was going to conquer this program and no matter the weight or inches I lost I was going to be PROUD of myself for doing it. I was going to proud of all the little steps. Getting up early to workout, planning my meals every night, learning some pretty yummy new recipes, for going through a minute plank without feeling like I was dying....those are the things I was going to be proud of. Because those things, those steps will get me to where I want to go if I continue to do them consistently everyday.

I did just that and I stand here today on Day 2 of starting the 21 Day Fix for the second time PROUD and HAPPY with myself!! I sat there last week and decided I will do this....I believed in myself and I told myself, we will do this!! I saw this posted by Autumn Calabrese and thought perfect. Everyday you have two choices....to get up and get it done or to continue to wish for them.

 I decided that my choice everyday was going to be wake up and chase my goals. Elizabeth and I added the 10 minute ab workout to our routine and 3 of the days I went for a 3 mile run. I was bound and determined to get these results I so longed for. We all rocked our workouts and I pushed myself to the MAX!! It felt great!
Along with the workouts and sweating away my fat (at least my fingers were crossed that was happening) I planned some new recipes to try out. I have never been much of a cooker though I have cooked almost every night since we had kids and as each kid came and the budget got tighter the cooking at home became more of our routine. Even with that I did super simple box things or frozen stuff which of course isn't healthy at all. This process has made me excited to try new recipes and I really liking it. And with starting 21 Day Fix I have added a lot more recipes to my calendar. It's been fun.
My family loves breakfast for dinner!! But on the Fix or really any healthy eating regime it's not on the menu (I mean 80/20 right? but for these 21 days it wasn't happening). I have been trying to find a good banana pancake recipe for a while now. I've tried a few from Pinterest and none of them come out great. I finally decided to take a little from each of the recipes I found and test it out and it WORKED!!! I was so excited!! I'm the type of person that my mind has to be tricked. It needs to somewhat resemble the actual item for me to really fall in love with it and these did. Plus, you know those IHOP commercials for their specialty pancakes....oooh those banana foster ones sound so delicious!!! Well, these super healthy and yummy banana pancakes tasted like it (or at least I told myself it was them). So good! So you're probably thinking, what's the recipe woman? Spit it out!! Ok, Ok, here it is!!
2 eggs, 1 banana, 1/2c oats, 1/4c apple sauce, 1tsp vanilla, 1/2tsp cinnamon
blend and pour
1/4 yellow, 1/2 red, 1 purple
Another meal my family loves is pizza!! We used to eat it at least once a week!! WHAT?!?! No wonder I gained weight! Yuck! But boy is pizza good and boy was I wanting some and so was everyone else. Again I went back to Pinterest and searched. There is a bunch of recipes but part of my love for pizza is the crust. So I wanted to find one that was fixed approved but had a good crust to it. And I ended up finding this great recipe for Buffalo Chicken pizza (the link is posted below). My kids also used the same crust as us and made their own. They had so much fun! Both pizzas came out super yummy and totally curbed the pizza craving  and added a little fun to it!
Buffalo Chicken Pizza Recipe
Another pretty HUGE things happened last week!! We went and designed our new house!! It was so cool! Yes a lot of exclamation points because this is something that Jeremy and I have dreamed of doing. Something that we also thought would be years down the road when we lived in PA but its happening. Its so exciting and it was such a surreal moment. We picked out our house color and I got my blue door!! YAY!! Then picked out our cabinets, flooring, counter tops and all the fixings. So, of course when that was done we had to go out to celebrate!! We ended up at Chili's and I knew I would get a margarita (it was a celebration right!?), so I made sure I stayed on track with my food. I ordered a Southwest Chicken Bowl the lunch portion. It came with a small spinach salad. The bowl had southwest seasoned grilled chicken, tortilla strips, beans, tons of greens, corn and tomatoes. It was really yummy and I was proud of myself for the choice.
Then the weekend cam around and I had a big Beachbody event on Sunday. It was SUPER SWEATY and FUN!! I didn't do the yoga from 21 Day Fix because we were working out there. We did Turbo Fire, Insanity, PiYo and Cize!! All I can say is that energy in that room was unbelievable!! Turbo Fire was confusing at first (I'm so not coordinated) but once I got going it was so much fun!! I am an Insanity junkie and doing it LIVE with others was a blast and super hard. PiYo totally burned what I had left in the legs and made me laugh the whole time because I am not flexible at all. Then came Cize and the room became energetic all over again. I totally forgot how much fun dancing and letting loose was. Not to mention the amount of sweat that poured down my face was pretty gross but AWESOME!!!
 Ok, now we've made it to the end of the first round of 21 Day Fix and I'm sure you're wondering what my results are. And here they are:

I have just loved this program! I know before I was saying that I was getting disappointed but that's just my mind playing games on me. I was never hungry, tired or overwhelmed by the planning. And I feel so much stronger and can see toning in my arms and stomach. I know this next round going into my birthday will get me some more results and continue my journey to my goal weight.
I also want to give some shout outs to my AMAZING group!!!! They pushed play everyday and saw the results because of their dedication to the process. This has been such a FUN group and I've loved every minute of it! First, my rockstar sister killed it!! She not only started a new job and had military training during it all, she has an 18 month old that's on the go. She lost 4 inches and 4lbs but that's not it....she has after baby abs!! The thing we all long for. ;) Way to go Jenn!!
And she's not the only one seeing these type of results! What!?! Erin, she did 21 Day Fix Extreme along with my sister and lost 5lbs and 7 1/2 inches. AMAZING!! She also went on a roadtrip with 4 kids and her hubby and was able to enjoy and stay on track. And she's back in the game for another round! Then there's Nicole who's is a mommy to 2 kids under 2 years old......for her those are her reasons why and she makes no excuses and gets it done! She lost a CRAZY 13 1/4 inches and almost 6lbs!! Just CRAZY!! This is in 21 day people! 21 Days!!

My workout buddy and BFF (if people in their mid 30s say that), Elizabeth, lost 4lbs and 5 inches. All the while breastfeeding her 5 month old baby. It just shows that no matter what situation you're in it can be done. Another example of this is my Mother. She did 21 Day Fix Extreme with my sister....rockstar right there! She's the reason Jenn and I are so determined and FIERCE!! She has lost inches and is fitting into her pre-baby 30 years ago shirts and pants (which oddly are kind of coming back into style). Her last check up at the doctors showed that her blood pressure has gone down slightly but any bit is great!

And last but certainly not the least, is Joanna who is rocking her results with Focus T25!! She also has a 1 year old son and has lost over 5lbs and still going!! I can't wait to see her result photos!! I could go on and on about the results from the girls in the group because there are more awesome Mommies in the group kicking butt!

All of this can happen to you! These are everyday moms kicking some butt!! I am all teared up with pride. My friends here decided that they wanted to get healthy and feel good about their body. They are all shapes and sizes and all decided that they were worth it!

I want to say there is no secret sauce to this but honestly I think there is and that secret sauce is support! We all need support and encouragement. Whether its for your fitness journey, your work, in motherhood or just in overall life....we seek it, we thrive off it and that's exactly what these AMAZING ladies did this month. If you are seeking support I am here. I am starting another one of these groups on August 10th and I want you a part of it!! I am planning at this point to CIZE my butt off but if 21 Day Fix is what you'd like contact me this week before the SPECIAL ends.
TODAY IS THE DAY to create your destiny!! Get out there and do it!



Friday, July 17, 2015

Day 10, 11 and 12 of 21 Day Fix!! Still in it to Win it!! 😊

Hi everyone!! Sorry for missing the past couple days. I thought I would combine the days so you guys have more content when reading. These past couple days have been great!! After a stressful start to the week I decided to stay low key the second half of the week.

On Day 10, Wednesday, we did Upper Fix. I'm really loving this workout!! My arms have always been the weakest part of my body and I am seeing definition in my arms that I have never seen in my life!! So excited!! Plus I used the 8lbs weights this week the whole workout!! So pumped to have uped my weights. For dinner we had Tacos. I love Tacos!! It's one of my favorite meals. Of course it's usually on Taco Tuesday's but with the craziness of the hospital and everything out nights got switched up. For the taco recipe click here. I also went on Beachbody On Demand and with Mackenzie we tested out the new dance workout CIZE coming out on Monday, July 20th. It was so much fun!! We had a blast!!
Day 11 was LEG DAY!!! Elizabeth and I got up early and went down to my apartments yoga room. It was great because I was able to use the heavier weights that they have down there. I used 10lbs weights on most and 8lbs weights as my light weights in the Lower Fix workout. As leg day always is....it was killer!! And later that day I was super sore! It was also a pretty cool day because Summit in Nashville is happening. Summit is the big Beachbody event for coaches! It's super exciting because you get to exercise with all the trainers and it's also where they recognize your hardwork and announce everything that's coming out in the up coming year. WHICH IS A TON OF STUFF!! Like this next week will be amazing with the amount of things coming out (contact me if you want to know more details). I made a super easy crockpot Buffalo Chicken for dinner. I LOVE crockpot meals because you just put it in and go. I need to do more of them!

Buffalo Chicken

*1lb of Chicken Breast
*3/4cup of plain greek yogurt
*1/4cup of Franks hot sauce
*minced garlic
*garlic powder
*chopped up onion
--Put all ingredients together in the crockpot and cook for 3hrs.
--I steamed cauliflower and had whole wheat thins with it.

After dinner I watched the LIVE stream of the Opening Ceremonies at Summit. It was super empowering and totally helped me visualize my goals. I want to be on that stage next year and walk across it being recognized for my work and my teams awesome work helping others. The theme this year is Every ONE Matters. And it's so true. They told this awesome, cute story about a boy on the beach throwing back the starfish that got stranded on the beach when the tide left. There were hundreds if not thousands of them. A man came up to the boy and said boy what are you doing? And he said if I don't throw them back in they will die out here. The man then says to the boy but it doesn't really matter because you can't possibly do them all. The boy then reaches down and picks up a starfish and throws it into the ocean saving it's life and says to the man but mattered to that one. This story is our mission and I love it!! I love it because I started as that starfish and someone saw me and believed that I mattered and that I deserved the time and encouragement. And I'm here to give that sense of worth to someone else. :)
CEO Carl Daikeler and Shaun T CIZE-ing

Today, Day 12, I got up again and headed down to the yoga room and did Cardio Fix. This I think is my favorite workout. I love the sweat you get from it. I love the burn I feel. I am beat at the end of it and it feels great!! After my workout, Hadley and I shared some Shakeology. She loves it as much as I do!! And today I had my buffalo chicken leftovers....still yummy the second time around. And now we are sitting here having a family night watching a movie. I love the weekends because we are all home together! It's hard with the food but I've got my eye on the prize at the end! Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Sunday!


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Week 2 of 21 Day Fix: Day 8 and 9

Ok....let me just tell you I took my week 1 pictures and I can totally see results already!! I'm down 2lbs and I've lost 1 inch around my chest, 1 inch around my hips and 1/2 inch around my waist!! I can't believe the results in just 7 days. This program is no joke. No to mention I have been sore everyday since starting...I know my muscles are working and getting worked. :) As I said when I started I want to lose 15lbs before my birthday on August 13th and I just took 2lbs off in 1 week!! I can do this! I just need to stick to this plan and keep doing what I am doing! My goal for this week is 5lbs. It's a big goal but I know I can get there if I really stick to it! Here's my comparison pictures:
Yesterday (Day 8) was a CRAzY day!! Like I ended up spending the day in the ER for my youngest daughter. She split her head open and had to get staples. Um...my nerves were shot!! On the way home from the ER, I was really proud of myself because I passed by multiple fast food places..Chick-Fil-A being one of them and I love their peach milkshake! YUM!! Normally, I would try to eat the stress away with ice cream, soda and alcohol. ;) But I passed by those drive-thrus!! Victory!! I did indulge in one of my substitutions for a glass of wine.....and later that night when the day hit me I had a Reese's Peanutbutter Cup candy bar. I was mad that I let myself have it but in some ways I needed it. I know I am on this 21 Day Fix and I am sticking to the planned containers but life happens and the point is your going to have treats but they fact that you don't go all the way down the rabbit hole is what matters. The fact that you get back up and back on track is what matters because 1 candy bar didn't make me overweight and 1 candy bar isn't going to make me lose sight on my goals!!

Today, I woke up ready. I was still emotionally stressed out from the day before and not getting great sleep because I had to watch Hadley but I was ready to conquer my workout and be on track with my food. And I did just that!! I felt great during Lower Fix and I got in all my containers!! So proud of myself! Dinner tonight was Chicken Skewers with peppers over rice. I seasoned the chicken with Mrs. Dash Southwest seasoning.
Another pretty exciting thing that happened today is that Autumn Calabrese the creator of 21 Day Fix came out with a cookbook called Fixate!! I got my order in and I am so excited to get it! I also got a book for my group...it's going to be a prize for the most changed challenger. I can't wait to see all of our ending results. They have been shredding the inches and sweating off the pounds and I am so proud of them!! If you'd like a copy you can get it here. Also, I am going to start another group at the beginning of August.....to get in on it head over to my FB and send me a message! If you order a challenge pack through me by Friday July 17th, you will be entered into a drawing to win a free copy of Fixate! Can't wait to see you there!!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

21 Day Fix Week 1 in Review

So, I thought that I would combine my weekend (days 5,6, & 7) into one post. One reason being I wanted my nights with my hubby and another being I don't cook on the weekends. Everyone with "normal" day jobs get the weekends off and me being a work-at-home mom and dinner being part of what I get ready for my family, I take the weekends off.

The last 3 days went well. On Friday, I had Elizabeth and I do the wrong video. I thought that Cardio Fix and Total Body Cardio was the same thing. So we did Total Body Cardio on Friday. That's a killer video. And unlike the first time when we did it on Monday, this time we used weights, which really made you work! After our workout, I took the kids to the pool then we met my aunt and cousins at the movies. I told myself not to buy popcorn, not even for the kids, because I knew I would eat it! I made my Shakeology before I left to keep me full and more able to resist the temptations of the treats. I did really well!! I am proud of that victory! For dinner Friday night I had leftovers from the Sweet Potato Bacon Burgers over a spinach salad. I needed to make up for missing my green containers throughout the day. It was really yummy. The burgers were just as good re-heated as they were when I first made them.
On Saturday, Elizabeth and I did a double workout in the yoga room at my apartment complex. On the schedule was Dirty 30, so we did that first. That is exactly what it's named for. It was sweaty and hard. Then just when you thought it was over she adds in a crazy bonus minute!! What!? We definitely burned it out with that workout. But we really wanted to get in Cardio Fix since we didn't do it on Friday. That is a great workout!! I loved it! It's kind of what I'm used to. Cardio no weights just sweat it out and get your heart rate up. This cardio girl LOVED IT!! I was so proud of us for pushing hard through both those workouts and our calorie burn proved we earned it!!
After the workout, I made myself a yummy shake. This time I mixed in cherries and some PB for it to taste like a chocolate covered cherry! YUM-O! While I enjoyed my shake I took the kids to enjoy FREE Slurpee Day at 7-Eleven...they loved it!! It was a great morning!

After all 4 of us enjoyed our drinks I wanted to try out this recipe for making Reese's Peanut-butter cups with Shakeology. And man did it work out!! Totally curbs that candy craving and not too bad for you either!! I used it as my treat substitution, you get 3 times a week with the 21 Day Fix (I had 2 of them). My kids loved them!! They were super good and today we even turned them into the filing for a Smore made in the microwave for the kids!! Here's the recipe for it:

*4 tablespoons of coconut oil (microwave for 30 seconds to make liquid)
*8 tablespoons of chocolate Shakeology
*4 tablespoons of natural peanut-butter
--Split the coconut oil and Shakeology into 2 portions. Pour into 4 small cupcake holders. Put into freezer for 5 minutes. Take out and spread PB over the harden chocolate. Then pour the second half of mixture over the top of each. Put into freezer for 30 minutes then ENJOY!!

For dinner we ordered from Panera. I got a Greek Chicken Salad. It was really good and packed full of veggies and chicken. They gave me 2 containers of dressing and normally I would of dumped them on but I held myself back and only used 3/4 of one. It was plenty of dressing and was less than an orange container. At first by the sight of the salad I thought it wasn't all that much and that I might be still hungry afterwards but I wasn't at all. It was filing plus I got the whole wheat bread on the side and ate half for my yellow. So the salad in all was 2 greens, 1 red, 1 orange, 1 blue, and 1 yellow for the bread.  After the kids went to bed Jeremy and I watched a movie and I enjoyed a glass of wine (a yellow substitution) and my yogurt (1 red) as a snack. It was a great day! I love the weekends with my hubby home and all of us just hanging out, even if its doing nothing much at all. 

Today, was Yoga Fix day and was it needed. I so needed that deep stretch and definitely need to continue yoga because I am not flexible or well balanced at all!! It felt so good and afterwards I was ready for the day.
Once I got back from doing yoga, I sat down to finally plan my week ahead and set my goals. This week is going to be a big week. My goals is to touch 4 more of my friends and families lives and get them started on their health and fitness journey. To grow my Ruel Tribe with at least one motivated mommy. To be a positive light all week, to smile and be happy with what I have and with what I am doing. Another goal is to stay on track with my meal plan and to trust that this program is bringing me to where I need to be with my fitness and health.

Jeremy and I planned out our meals and grocery list together. That way he will like everything that I plan to make and that he gets his treats in on the list. ;) Here's our plan for dinners and my plan for the week:
click here to get you planner
As this first week with 21 Day Fix comes to an end and I get ready for next week, I look back and think about why I was so nervous. New things, new challenges do cause nerves and fear but what I have learned is that jumping in and jumping over that fear is amazing. You feel great! You become proud of yourself. And you realize there might of been no reason for the fear in the first place. This week, I have already seen my body changing. I have definitely changed my mindset on food and proportions. And I have realized that I need to not punish my body with food but fuel it. The workouts are fun, hard, sweaty and quick. You burn your calories in a short amount of time which is perfect for just about everyone who knows they need to get a workout in but "doesn't have the time". This leaves you no excuse and by preparing your food ahead of time saves you money at those drive-thru windows throughout the week at work or when you're running the kids around.

21 Day Fix is the perfect program for anyone looking to get results and change their mindset on food. And for a little plug.....it's on special this month along with 21 Day Fix Extreme. Contact me on FB or email me at traceyruel@yahoo.com for info.

I can't wait to take my measurements tomorrow and pictures and see my week 1 results!! I feel so great after this week. I'm feeling stronger and have felt my energy level change. I can't wait to see how the next 2 weeks go!! I hope ya'll continue to follow me and join in if you'd like!!


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 4 of 21 Day Fix :)

Day 4......Pilates Fix....what can I say about Pilates? It felt great to stretch out my sore muscles and made me realize how much I need to work on my ab muscles and my flexibility. Definitely broke a sweat, laughed a bit with Elizabeth while my hips were popping out during one of the leg moves. I'm so old and the bones don't like me! lol!! It was too funny!! I'm loving having Elizabeth over everyday doing this with me. It's great going through this with friends. I also have a super AWESOME group going on with a bunch of fellow 21 Day Fixers going along the ride with us! The support is amazing! And like today when I really wanted to stop at the store, on the way home from sitting at a park with the kids in the 95 degree heat, to get some ice cream to eat during nap time, I remembered that group and how we are in this together and I didn't stop. I still really want some ice cream but I will conquer that craving with some yogurt and frozen berries once I am done with this post. Friends and support HELP you get past those moments and keep you on track!! I'm not saying you can't enjoy and have some treats but for me during this 21 Days I'm keeping strong. The reason it's set-up for 21 days is that it is said that it takes 21 days to break a habit.....well I am going to give myself those 21 days. And with my friends and support of you guys I will kick these 21 days butt!!
Today I wasn't super creative with my meals. I had my yummy chocolate Shakeology for both breakfast and lunch (I told you I was craving ice cream). It's so funny how ice cream has just been on my mind today. Ugh! Anyways, the Shakeology was 2 of my meals then I had assorted colored peppers with hummus for my snack. Dinner though was really yummy and super creative!! It was a Sweet Potato Bacon Burgers. I found the recipe on Pinterest. I'll put the link underneath the picture. My hubby loved them!! You can totally drizzle maple syrup over the burger if your not on the fix. :)

SO GOOD!! Sweet potato bacon burger.
This portion control has really been great! I normally would of eaten two of the burgers tonight but knowing my count for the day I didn't and I wasn't hungry not eating the second burger. I am learning a lot about the portions and learning to listen to my body when it's hungry. I'm so happy and I have already started seeing results. I've lost 2lbs and my stomach already seems tighter. I can't wait to weigh and measure myself again on Monday to see my week 1 results. I'm going for that 10-15lb range to be ready for my birthday in August. And I know this program is getting me there!!

Here's to Cardio Fix tomorrow!!


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 3: LEG DAY!!!

Man this workout gets better and better each day! And my muscles are feeling it!!

Today was LEG DAY! As if my legs needed to be worked anymore...they are still sore from Monday! It's GREAT! My legs were jello afterwards. Lower Fix also works your abs which need some work. I'm really loving how the workout is set-up with doing 2-3 different exercises then repeating once then moving onto another set of exercises. Tomorrow is Pilates Fix....a little nervous about what that is. ;) But I'm sure it'll work these sore muscles even more!

The nutrition today was on point and I got in every container except 1/2 of an orange. I did feel a bit tired today and felt myself wanting to snack more but not because I was hungry, it was the tired talking. So, I decided to stay home with the kids and just relax. We've been going and going everyday (which I kind of have to in order to stay sane with 3 kids at home for the summer) so today I needed a break. A break didn't really happen because the kids were going nuts but we ended up calling it a movie afternoon and that helped. Anyways, I am rambling on....my food was good and again it kept me full and it was a lot! We really need to change our mindset on how we have to eat and this program is definitely doing it for me. You need to eat to FUEL your body and continue to FUEL it throughout the day.

Today, I went back to my normal breakfast of eggs and spinach, had my shakeology for lunch with a 1/2 a banana and cherries (1 purple), and my snacks were watermelon for 2 snacks and my cucumber, tomato salad. Dinner was super yummy!! I baked chicken with a little garlic seasoning and steamed some broccoli then chopped up the chicken and used the broccoli like a bed of lettuce under the chicken and sprinkled cheese over the top and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. YUM-O!! And it was 1 red, 1 blue, and I used 2 greens (needed to get greens in for the day).

After dinner tonight I was able to get on a Live broadcast from Team Beachbody Headquarters with Bo Eason because I earned it helping others achieve their fitness goals. He was a NFL player for 20ish years and is a play-write and actor. It was great to sit and listen to. He was very inspirational and straightforward. I came away from that call with a new sense of how I...I mean..how we all need to carry ourselves through our daily lives. He gave a lot of great analogies and examples of how we should be. The one thing that just sticks out in my head is "we all were born to be GREAT!!" and that we should never have to apologize for being ourselves. This sticks out because I feel like we have become a society that apologizes a lot and one that tries to make everyone fit into these molds. As much as we say we don't we are increasing and increasing the pressure for everyone to be the same and live the same. "Don't ever apologize for being YOU!" he said. That's how we should live. Confident in ourselves, in our uniqueness and live our lives with our full spirit and give it our all!
It was a great way to end the day and I think it will be a great way to end this post. Live your life to the fullest everyday. Get up, be happy, don't apologize, be you and give it your all!!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 2

Wow!!! Am I sore!! I actually didn't think I would be so sore from yesterday's workout but man I am. Last night I woke up around 2am to use the facilities (TMI!! but means my hydration was on point I guess) and I could barely sit down! Yikes! But I love it!! It means it's working. I'm so excited about this program now. I mean I was excited before but also nervous about the workouts being enough for me.....well they are definitely working at this point! Today was Upper Fix. I used my 5lbs weights for everything in the workout. She suggest having a low weight and a heavy weight and switch them up depending on the move you are doing. I only have 1 set of weights at this point so I used just the one set the entire workout. I definitely felt it in my arms and the ab part of the workout was crazy but I really need to work on those so it felt great! Can't wait to see what tomorrow's workout will be!

As for my food today, I switched up my breakfast because I just wasn't feeling the eggs and spinach. I made oatmeal with apples (1 Yellow, 1 Purple). I used 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup of rolled oats and put it in the microwave for about 5minutes.....around 4 minutes I added in the apples diced up. It was yummy and definitely kept me full until lunch which was my Shakeology...so full I didn't have my mid-morning snack. For my snack I had the cucumber, tomato salad with vinaigrette and I cut up this huge watermelon we got. I LOVE watermelon and this one was super juicy and yummy! I over indulged a little bit and went 1 purple container over but man was it good!!
For dinner on Tuesday we always have TACO TUESDAY!! YUMMY!! And since I have been following the Beachbody programs and their nutrition guidelines we have been making the tacos this way. I make our own seasoning by mixing chili powder, ground cumin, onion powder, dried oregano, smoked paprika and sea salt. I add in different amounts to taste. We like it spicy so I add in more chili powder and cumin. And then once mixed we add that to our ground turkey when browned. Tonight, I cut up green, orange, and red peppers (1 Green) that we got at our Farmers Market. My blue container is filled with cheese and avocado. I used the purple container as another green since they are the same size. The containers had so much food!! All the food didn't even fit in the 2 corn tortillas I had so I ended up making a taco salad with the rest of the spinach, peppers, and turkey meat. Super filling and yummy dinner! Definitely give it a try! :)
2 Green, 1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Blue



So, far the 21 Day Fix is a pretty simple system. It's easy to follow and TONS of food!! The workouts are great and you really feel energized all day by following the 6 meals a day. I am really liking it and I'm not getting that 2pm slump which is really nice. Can't wait to see how it continues.
I hope you guys are all enjoying my take on the 21 Day Fix!! If you are don't forget to hit FOLLOW and you can also catch me on Facebook. :) Have a great night and I'll catch you tomorrow!

Monday, July 6, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 1 :)

Whoa!! Day 1 was GREAT!!! I woke up ready. I finally got my box with all my containers, dvds, and book.....I was like a kid on Christmas!! I ripped it open and checked it all out! Super excited that I finally have the fancy Shakeology cup! :)

Yummy Chocolate Shakeology!


 Once I read through the book and opened up the containers, my girlfriend, Elizabeth came by and we got ready to get Total Body Cardio Fix done. Elizabeth is going to do the Fix with me! So excited to have her along with me. :) We definitely had so many reasons this morning not to get it done...the videos didn't get here until this morning, my 3 kids were running around like crazy (I was able to get one to workout with us), her 4 month old didn't want to lay on the mat, and my AC decided it wanted to re-set itself to 85 degrees!! What!? But we still pushed play and got it done.

We didn't have weights but it was still a crazy workout! I definitely feel I need to go get my weights out of the garage. They're only 5lbs, it'll make it a much better workout but with that being said I still sweat and my legs were burning! I'm pumped to see what tomorrow's workout will be!
The other and I think most important part of this program is the food. I'm having fun with this part. I know that this is where I need the most work so I am really concentrating on it. Today, from my meal plan was my normal breakfast; scrambled eggs with spinach. What I realized is that my portions are way off! Even though I am eating healthy options, I am still over-eating. I made 2 egg whites, 1 egg, (1 red container) and 1 green (1 cup) of spinach (picture is below). That breakfast keeps me pretty full for a while. My first snack was an apple cut up to fit into 1 purple (1 cup). While eating my snack I started to prepare my other snack for the week. I made a cucumber, tomato, and onion salad. Super easy!! I just cut up 1 large tomato, a cucumber and about 1/4 of a red onion and mixed them together. It'll be enough for my afternoon snack all week! (picture is below) After that I got the kids ready to head to the pool and meet my aunt and family friends.

Scrambles Eggs with Spinach

Cucumber, Tomato Salad

On our way to the pool I drank my lunch. Shakeology is seriously a lifesaver!! It's super easy. It's super yummy. It keeps me full and curbs my cravings. And it holds all the SUPERFOODS you'd ever need in one desert-like shake!! You can get it here if you want to try it out!

We had a blast at the pool swimming around and of course swimming makes everyone hungry. I had packed the kids apples and pretzels for snacks and in my super awesome containers I packed my cucumber, tomato salad in the green container and 1/2 filled the orange (1T) with the 21 Day Fix balsamic vinaigrette. Having that snack by the pool was perfect!! Super light and yummy.


After a great day at the pool, we came home and got ready for dinner. I was really excited about this dinner. I found this dinner on lots of different places and couldn't wait to try it out myself! I love Chinese food but of course it's not that great for you and this version was so yummy and it was a ton of food! So much that I had to check my measurements twice. This Fix version will definitely curb that Chinese craving and fill you up! Here's the recipe for it:

* 2 Red containers (2 cups) of baked chicken breasts cut in cubes
* 2 eggs (Red)
* 2 Yellow containers of cooked brown rice
* 2 Green containers of mixed veggies ( I used carrots, green beans, corn, peas) ++edit I just was told that corn and peas are a yellow....so it most likely added up to 0.5 yellow...you can chose a mixed frozen bag with broccoli and carrots which would work great too and just be a green.++
* 1 Orange of Liquid Aminos (you can find it in the grocery store organic isle)

--Scramble the 2 eggs in a large skillet, add the veggies, rice and chicken to the skillet and heat until heated through (shouldn't be that long since everything is already cooked). Once heated through stir in the Liquid Aminos, mix it through all and let the entire meal heat for a few more minutes.

--Ready to serve. Split into 2 and ENJOY!!

-- 1.5 Red, 1.5 Yellow, 1 Green, and 1/2 Orange per serving

Here are some pictures of it!! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!

21 Day Fix Chicken Fried Rice
So, all and all Day 1 was a great day!! I got in all my water, my workout, had a blast at the pool with the kids and had a great food day!! I'm ready for tomorrow and I'm really excited to see where is process takes me. Catch up with you guys tomorrow!! Day 2 here we come!!



Sunday, July 5, 2015

21 Day Fix Prep!

This past weekend I have been enjoying all that 4th of July has to offer. Great times with friends, fun at the pool, patriotic bike parade, BBQ food, drinks and treats, and of course fireworks. Which by the way surrounded us!! It was amazing!! We live in the distance to see the fireworks from Magic Kingdom and those fireworks any night are great but extra special on the 4th of July....and to add to it we had people all around us setting off some pretty AWESOME ones as well!! Here are some pictures from this weekends fun!

Before preparing for this week today, I relaxed with the family. Then the meal planning began!! I would normally plan on Saturdays because that's when we grocery shop but since it was the holiday weekend it was today.

I am starting the 21 Day Fix tomorrow....which I am super excited and a little nervous for. I have to admit I'm a CARDIO JUNKIE!!! I love a good sweat!! And I'm obsessed ;) with Shaun T!! I am a graduate of Focus T25 and Insanity Max 30. I've also done Insanity and I run. So, I love the torture of the cardio workout. Not that 21 Day Fix doesn't have cardio, I just hear it's different but I think different is exactly what I need to get me to my goals!!

So, today I planned out all my meals and snacks, went shopping and I'm all prepared for the week. I'm planning on using the Beachbody 21 Day Fix Tracker App on my phone along with this tracker that a coach on my team made. And once I get ink in my printer again I will have the weekly planner printed out. This week I just wrote it out. The pictures below show my plan. :) As I make the dinners I will post them and the recipes!!


I can't wait to get started and so glad you are along for the ride!! Check back tomorrow to see how day 1 went!! :)

Tracey :)