Monday, June 29, 2015

First Blog Post for the Ruel Tribe!!

Hi everyone!! I'm so excited to start this blog!!

For just over a year now I've been on a journey to re-find myself. I was just not in a place with myself or even in my entire life last year that I was proud of even though I had a wonderful supportive husband, 3 beautiful healthy children. I still was not happy with how I felt, looked and was in a super bad mental place. When we as a family decided to move back to Florida where my love story with my husband started, I decided that I would no longer feel that way anymore. And from that point I began my journey to where I am today.

When we moved down to Florida June 2014, the first day here I woke up early and went for a run. I should give you a little background in that I have always been an active person. I'm not great at anything that I do but I do my best and always have enjoyed fitness and competition of sport. So, back to that first run. It felt great!! Better than any other run I had done because it had a feeling of hope to it. A feeling of "this is only the beginning". That morning I saw the sunrise and new my new beginning had started. :)
(1yr anniversary)
But with all this running and reading motivational posts and quotes still something was missing. I ended up having some major issues with fainting and my blood pressure that summer. I was just in the end told (after tons of tests) that I was severely vitamin deficient and put on multiple daily vitamins. And around Christmas time I saw an advertisement for Insanity Max 30 and Shakeology. I had been introduced to Beachbody before but when I was I just wasn't mentally ready for it. I did some of the workouts and tried Shakeology but never bought in until now. I asked for Max 30 as a Christmas present and started the whole process on January 3rd!! It was an amazing process. Super hard but with the Shakeology, Shaun T and the Challenge group I was a part of my entire transformation started. Not only did the weight come off but the mental weight and negative attitude that I carried for most of my life went away!! And that's when I realized that I was no longer needing my daily vitamins because Shakeology had all of them and more (and honestly tasted sooooo much better). I was no longer looking at life with a "why me!?" attitude and I had lost over 30 pounds!!!
So, with theses results why not jump in and become a coach!! I love helping people and want everyone to see the same results I have seen and to live their best life!! I can't wait to continue this journey and post all my ups and downs throughout it here!! Thanks for following and I can't wait for what's ahead!!

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